Thursday, April 29, 2010

An Art-y idea!

I thought this was such a great idea. Take something you really love, a letter, envelope, photograph, a ticket stub... anything - and take it to a printing place like kinkos and have them blow it up for you to hang as art. Brilliant.

image via Blueprint Magazine


  1. I've had this bookmarked for some time. I want to do it!

  2. You are reading my mind on this one for sure! I have this saved from a magazine, I think it was Country Living. I am going to frame an envelope of my husbands grandfathers and hang it above his desk in our office. I am also going to frame some recipes from our mothers and grandmothers in my breakfast area.

  3. I love this! I'm a sucker for over-sized wall art. I'm actually using this as inspiration for my own project over at! Thanks so much for posting this!

  4. This looks great! Did the envelope still maintain the same sharpness and clarity when blown-up so large? I'm hoping so, as I've got a great image I want to print online and have blown up, but I'm just hoping it doesn't get super grainy the larger it gets!

  5. I was worried about image quality, too. But I love the idea.

  6. Wow, this is a great idea! And could be super sentimental! Would you link this up to our blog hop? I think a lot of people would really enjoy it!

    xoxo, Jordan


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