Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Shop Ten 25!

I am pretty excited!! I won the giveaway for the gift card at Shop Ten 25 from Opal Never Shouts!!! (Thank you again Jana and Jen! This is so fun - especially during holiday season!!

I keep changing my mind on what I want to purchase - at first it was the zig zag rug... and now I am on to these beauties... and then a slight part of me is thinking I should put it towards holiday gifts... BUT... if I am going to be selfish and spend it on myself, here is what I am thinking of putting it towards!

What do you think?


  1. I love the little side table- thought they are all quite fabulous!

  2. The petal pillow is awesome--never seen anything like it!

  3. I'm crazy about the little accent table!

  4. All are such good options! How are you going to choose? :)

    Jen@Opal Never Shouts

  5. Ohhhhhhhhh that first one is so good! But the table is amazeballs too.. fun stuff!!

  6. Well....The "You Are My Sunshine" is so beautiful! I just sent one out last week and seriously wanted to keep it!
    I can't wait to see what you do with your store credit!


So... Tell me... What do you think?