Ahhhh, Gabriella Crespi furniture... Do I really need to say more? Well, to give you a bit of background, this Italian Architect wowed the Interior Design scene with her forward and innovative furniture designs in from the 60s thru the 80s. She mainly worked with brass, bamboo, ivory and plexiglass. Her pieces can be difficult to find as they are numbered, signed and quite the collectible. On top of that though - many of her pieces were custom ordered, making them even more special and rare.

Too cool. Love this piece.

Ruthie Sommers designed room. Crespi desk.

The coffee table above screams 1980s to me, but I think its so hot and I have a hunch that this is going to be the next big thing.

The infamous Z desk. Tre chic. I want this! On my list! Mine!

Aerin Lauder's own Crespi desk. Lucky duck!
Her things are very hot right now and absolutely gorgeous.