Garden stools aren't just for your yard anymore. These ceramic beauties are showing up everywhere- whether being used as an end table (with or without a glass top over it) extra seating, or just as an extra accessory. A pair would look great under a console, or right near your front door to collect keys, mail, etc. Or place two close together and use as a coffee table. You can then move them out of the way easily when you want to play with your Wii! It seems that these would be great just to own, because you will always find a useful place for them.
They also come in wood, wicker, ceramic; or shaped into neat cylindrical shapes, or evcn animals (check out the vintage pair of elephants from http://www.parishotelboutique.com/). I personally love the vintage elephants. Who wouldn't want to name these guys?
There are also some great color options out there to choose from. Many brands are getting on the bandwagon including Pottery Barn, Wisteria, and Crate and Barrel.
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