Tobi Fairley doesn't have a recognized name like Wearstler, Adler, Draper, or Hicks - but just you wait. Tobi Fairley is a Southern Belle interior designer with so many wonderful experiences and projects under her belt - she definitely knows whats going on. She was just selected as one of the Top 20 Young Designers of 2009 by Traditional Home magazine (and look at some of her work above. Can't you see why?).
Fairley's designs are fun and youthful, yet not silly. She can do traditional, contemporary, regency, chic, you name it... And to me, that is what a true designer should be all about. Being able to adapt to all different clients and their styles. Her designs are grown up and sophisticated, but cheery and I am quite a fan of her entire aesthetic. http://www.tobifairley.com/
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