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Sunday, August 8, 2010

I do not like Ikea... but I do like this.

Lets discuss Ikea for a moment. Some things there are great.... and there are finds there, that is for sure... I have a pair of curtains in my bedroom (which are probably going to be replaced but anyway) and the chartreuse pillows in the living room.... But for the most part, when I do go to Ikea - I tend to leave pretty disappointed. The rug I like is never the right size, or the scale of the furniture is too short... it's just never right for me.

BUT - the Helmer dresser (below) interests me. I really would love to spray paint it gold, or just not fuss and get a white one. I need a good space for my jewelry and this seems like it could work. I have some awesome bangles and accessories that I never wear because they aren't stored/displayed well. I may just have to fight it, and head down to Ikea at some point.

image via Ikea


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