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Thursday, July 8, 2010

10 Things About Me

Last October I did a post "10 Things About Me" (check it out here) and since I am trying to stay as busy as possible, I've decided to do it again!

1. Any dish with cheese, avocado, artichokes or mushrooms in it entices me. Throw all four of them together and then I am really hooked.

2. I pretend to be a neat freak. BUT I am so not. I pretend to be super organized, but I feel like I am always straightening up or re-organizing. I do however have a pack-rat fear and constantly am throwing things away.

3. My dad raised me with the motto of "early is on-time, on-time is late." I truly try to run late - but it takes effort. I am pretty punctual.

4. My favorite person in the whole world is my grandma - I call her Mama Peggy, and she is from Memphis, TN. I can tell her anything and know she will never tell a soul and will never judge. I probably talk to her three times a week.

5. My favorite color is blue and I make a conscious effort to wear it every single day - its sort of an OCD, superstitious thing, and it makes me think of my dad -- which makes me think it's not a crazy thing to do. My dad has to use a blue tooth brush and a blue towel at home. That makes me smile.

6. I collect vintage fabric and have a large tupperware box filled with remnants of 1-3 yard scraps that I have no clue of what to do with, but couldn't possibly not own. My collection is quite amazing actually. I absolutely love to unfold all of the fabric and think up ficticious ideas of what to do with each print.

7. I haven't been to that many but here are the concerts I have been to thus far: Paula Abdul was the first concert I have ever been to. Saw Billy Joel with my dad twice - two nights in a row. Saw Janet Jackson. Saw Dave Matthews Band open for The Rolling Stones. Saw R. Kelly who opened for Salt N Pepa in the 8th grade. Saw Jack Johnson and fell in love (LOL). Saw Brittany Spears before the breakdown, and then saw her again on The Circus tour. Saw Justin Timberlake - and it was pretty unreal. Saw Lil Wayne and convinced it could have been the best concert I have ever been to...

8. I was a chronic intern in college, interning for Gucci, Trina Turk, Richard Tyler, and Armani. It was incredible experience.

9. When I get a massage I like the therapist to use all of their talents and just lightly tickle my back. LOL

10. I bite my thumb nails, especially when I am nervous. It's such a hard habit to break.


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