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Friday, April 24, 2009

The Pepsi Ads

Several months ago, I was in the car with a friend who pointed out how fantastic the new Pepsi advertisements were, and I couldn't agree more. All over Los Angeles you will see giant bill boards and sides of buildings with fun and energetic messages from Pepsi. Every time I drive past one of these ads, I get a positive boost. So, I wanted to use my blog to thank Mr. Pepsi for adding cheerful ads to see in a world where there is a lot of negative. It's nice to not have to look at a cancer or quit-smoking bill board, but see good vibes being passed on. So I give a big cheers to that! (And, for the fact that these ads have been running for a few months now, and not been taken down!) Keep sending positive Energy to LA and the rest of the world!



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