Image Map

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A really cool person lives here.

When I see images of people's homes I always wonder who lives there and what do they do the second they walk in the front door and what do they do in their spare time? Do they take their shoes off? (That's what I do!). Or, do they change clothes and put on something comfy, or make a snack As for their spare time... do they work out, read, go to flea markets, see plays? I am being nosey. oh well.

For this room.... the couple that lives here must be pretty bad *ss with such great style. OR their interior designer is!


  1. I like the mix of black, white, zebra, a lil art, gilding, and the warm wood of the bench behind the sofa. Yes, well put together and fresh.
    I also like the nod to get up and move with the bike!

  2. the bike makes the room ;) it adds a little bit of "real" to it

  3. Love, loved this entire home from the moment I first saw it on the cover. So classically elegant and oh so chic!
    You're right - makes you wonder who lives there - do they leave candy wrappers on the coffee table, or socks on the floor? Who are these chic people?

    Hope you have a lovely weekend!


So... Tell me... What do you think?